First two months at ANU
It’s been two months since I started my PhD here at the Australian National University! I’ve been reading quite a lot about Australian reptiles, especially elapid snakes (front-fanged venomous snakes). There are 107 terrestrial elapid snakes in Australia (according to AROD), which is a huge diversity, not to mention that many of the sea snakes are also elapids as well! More to come about my PhD project…
For now, I wanted to write a post highlighting a few things I’ve found useful as I review the literature in evolutionary biology, and things I’ve been doing on the side.
* Reference manager: [Zotero](
* Make sure to install [Zotfile]( plug-in as this allow you to do more with your PDFs.
* Organising your library with tags can be a very powerful way of archiving. Check out this [tutorial.](
* Daily note taking: [Evernote](
* I use [tags to organise]( my notes and found it to be quite easy.
* In-depth note-taking: OneNote
* I use OneNote to make more in-depth notes about papers I think will be important. For each paper I will note/record:
* Main findings - you can get this by reading the abstract
* Significance - how this paper will move the field?
* Methods
* Graphics - figures or photos of organism
* I use OneNote because it lets me place figures where I want and draw things on them. Other software can do this too, I just use OneNote because I'm running a Windows machine.
* Git: [Bitbucket]( and Github
* I learnt that Bitbucket offers private repository for free while Github does not. So I've been using Bitbucket as a private repo until I'm ready to publish my project on Github.
* I also started learning how to use Git Bash (on windows). [Bitbucket support page]( has some good documents to get you started.
* R Markdown: making new CV with pagedown
* I'm still trying to figure out the best way to host my new html CV.
The weather is warming up now in Canberra, it is lovely as always though.